Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In my effort to post more often and to always try to post with a's a picture I took of the sock yarn I'm currently working with. The picture didn't quite turn out how I'd hoped but I've been so busy lately and I don't have enough done on my sock to make a picture worth while, or have the time to take one before I take off again this morning for another busy day. I love the colors in this yarn. So pretty! I'm hoping to make some progress on my sock this week.

I've been trying to be so good this past year or more with finishing projects before I start new ones. I've still had several going at times but lately I don't and I'm realizing that maybe it's not so bad to have several going at once. When I go to knit with a group I have trouble concentrating on a challenging project like lace socks so I need a simpler project for that type of situation. I've just had a hard time finding a simpler pattern that I want to make. I'm tired of scarves. I'm not very enthusiastic about knitting hats right now because it's spring (and it should be warming up...or maybe soon...hopefully). I have a vest pattern to knit but it is a challenging pattern too. I'm going to a knit group this morning and I don't know what to take. Hmmmm..... Maybe another ribbed pair of socks? I have some yarn for that. I'm just tired of those. Well....I better get to searching and find something before I go.

Have a great day! :- )

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