Monday, January 14, 2008

In my effort to post more's the latest...

Since the knit group I visited at church last week I've knitted a scarf and I'm half way finished with another one. The second is a spiral scarf...sounded fun at the time but I'm having doubts about whether or not it was a good idea (if anyone will like is for charity), how it will turn out, and it's not fun to knit. We'll see how it goes. I was a good girl and went to get my mamogram last week (I had plans for it a couple of months ago but life got busy...we all know how that goes) and while waiting I finished the heal flap on my second sock and I'm onto the heal turn. I have so many projects that I want to do it's hard to decide what to work on but at least I'm moving along. Here's another's a rug hooking kit that I bought in Fredricksburg, Texas a couple of years ago. I had stopped working on it because I was using an embroidery hoop to hold it and after a lot of wool fabric had been hooked into place it won't fit tightly into the hoop and that made it really hard to work on. After some inspiration from a rug hooker that I recently husband made a frame for mine and I've stapled it tightly onto it in hopes that this will make it possible to work on. That's what I'm planning to try today. Here it is..... Kitty likes it....well...she likes all crafts. She's very cool! Cats rock!

As far as some of my other new year's goals...I'm doing good with better eating. We've been making smarter choices and eating lots of fruits and veggies. But, as far as exercise...I'm pretty frustrated. I was trying to walk several days a week and do some light weights but my hip is hurting so bad that it's making it almost impossible to go on walks. It bothers me from time to time but always goes away. But this time it's being very stubborn and hurting more than ever. Most of the last couple of weeks I've been hobbling around like an old woman. I hate this! Yesterday I started taking some ibuprofen to help if there's any inflamation and I took a nice hot bath. I've been avoiding sleeping on that side. It seemed like it was starting to feel better Saturday night and yesterday but I tried to go for a walk today and I had to cut it short cuz it hurt again. Argh! I may have to visit a doctor but that's usually such a waste of time cuz whenever I go in for something they usually just tell me to do what I'm doing or prescribe a bunch of scarry drugs...which I often don't take because the warnings are so strong...and I usually get better. All the advice I read says to rest, take ibuprofen, moist heat and to give it about six weeks. I sure hope it get's better soon. So does our dog Salsa...she loves to go on walks! I guess she'll have to just stick to treadmill walks for a while. She actually loves the treadmill. When she goes upstairs she always runs to it, hops on and stands there waiting for us to turn it on. So funny and cute! Here's a picture of her cute mug....

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