Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Gourd, A Scarf, and a Purse

I'm working on several things right now and nothing is ready for it's 'Kodak moment' yet and I don't like to post without a picture. Pictures make it more fun. So, here's a picture of a gourd bowl that I made a while back. I cleaned, cut, cleaned again, drilled, sanded, stained, sanded, stained, sanded, finished, and crocheted. Now it does a great job of looking pretty on our desk containing all the wires for our "wireless" devices....phones, ipod, etc. I have some ideas rolling around in my head to work with another gourd and incorporating fiber into the design.

I haven't worked on the lace again...yet. My mom is doing a couple of rows a day on hers...probably about all she can stand since it's so hard to knit those angled stitches. So, I've been working on the scarf that was suppose to be a "two hour or less" project...wrong! I have no idea how long it has taken but it sure wasn't two hours or less. I bound off this morning and even though my gauge is right it's too small. So, I get to be creative to make it fit. So I started crocheting around it and adding some little ties to the corners. So far so good. I need to give my hands a rest though. I knitted and crocheted pretty much all day yesterday and my hands are feeling tired and sore. I went to Crochet Cafe and enjoyed the company of some ladies that took a free form crochet class last week and were working on some purses from the class. I was inspired and came home, pulled some yarn from my stash, and got to work trying to re-create what they're making. I got the basic idea of the construction and because it's "free form" there are no rules...that's pretty cool and fun! So far so's looking like the ones I saw yesterday. Right now it looks like a spider but it's coming along. Pretty exciting.

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